
snowhome is eight

Snowhome is 8 years old next month and to celebrate there is going to be a party. And guess what's going to be there?!............yep, embrace has it's first outlet. For the very first time embrace is going to be available to buy as snowhome is previewing Embrace one week before it's official launch at 100% design. So if you can't get your self to London here is your chance to come and see the real thing. (long live the prototypes - more to come on the journey of prototype to batch production very soon).

And that's not all "snowhome is eight" will also see the launch of some new products, exclusive to snowhome, designed in collaboration with my good self.

So make sure you get yourself down to the birthday party for drinks, birthday cakes and some exciting new designs!

Place: Snowhome, York (in store)
Date: Saturday 12th September 2009
Time: 10 - 5.30

Flyer pictured above: Designed by John Green, Printed 100% recycled Kraft Board. Nice!