

So, i've been quite on here for a while I know. Things have been extrememly busy and i have been working on lots of new things. But amongst all of this I have finally moved out of the tiny temporary studio Angus had kindly made for me in snowhome, to share a nice big (COLD) building with 3 other York based designers:

Phil Procter (www.philprocter.com)
Will Vincent (www.mrwillvincent.co.uk)
Turner & Harper (www.turnerhaprer.com)

Over the past year, the above guys have already been using half of this building as their studio, while the other half was used a Tennis shop, but this month the whole building has become vacant as Tennis man has left. The space at snowhome was great for me and I will still use it from time to time, but it does not lend to storing stock and prototyping ideas, so when this whole building became vacant I couldn;t really say no. We are calling the place, 'the studio' and in the New Year, I'll be trying my best to spruce it up a bit, as you can see from the images it needs a bit of it, I might even take down the tennis sign from outside.....but for now it's just a nice big space to get creative in, with some safe storage for all those embrace tables.

Although I have moved out of my snowhome based studio, I will still be working with Angus at snowhome on new products, and even more so now that I have a nice big studio space that I can stretch my legs out in....I even took the fixie for a ride around some embrace stock the other day. Have a look at some pics (the only things I can find on my computer at the moment, I'll try to create a virtual tour when I get time).